Monday, May 3, 2010

4 Weeks Gone

Wow, it's already time for a blog reflection? Time sure flies when you're trying to survive your first semester of college. Looks like I'm going to make it out alive.

I like blogging. Correction: I love blogging. Maybe that makes me weird, but that's okay.
Blogging gets things out of my head which makes it very useful in my life. That's primarily what I use it for outside of this class. There were some posts that I didn't post here because they were just too much. They aren't about me, but they give the reader an uncensored view into what I'm really thinking. Those posts might... bother some people. The reaction to "I'd rather shoot people than animals" was pretty comical. My classmates looked genuinely disturbed. I can only imagine if they read some of my other stuff.

I never did get regular at it because I didn't have a lot of time. I would think of something to write about, but by the time I got to a computer, the thought left me. You may be wondering why I didn't use the creative writing prompts. That would be because I forgot. Could I have done better? Maybe. A few times I wrote ideas or whole blogs on my iPhone and then would upload them to my blog. I liked being able to type out my journal instead of writing it out long hand. I'm even less regular about writing if I have to type it out long hand.

I plan to continue working on fluency over the summer. I've really enjoyed some of the writing we've done in class and for assignments. Free-writing is probably my favorite method. Again, why didn't I do that more often? Life happened. Over the summer my training is going to pick up and I'm sure I'll have a lot more to write about.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on surviving the first semester. It will be tough at times, but you can reach this goal. Come by the office if you need a pep talk. I have very much enjoyed reading you this past semester and class would not have been the same without your input. It was an unique class and, hopefully, we all learned something from one another. ~Ms. A.


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