Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chanae T. Day

The assignment: Make up your own holiday
Some early ideas for holidays: Corey Haim Day, Throat Punching Day, National Fist Pump Like You're From the Shore Day, Go Commando Day and Barefooting Day.
Believe it or not, Go Commando Day and Go Barefoot Day are already... Well, days. Throat Punching Day might be too violent for some, National Fist Pump Day might result in arbitrary throat punching and Corey Haim Day... It's too soon. So I present to you:

"Chanae T. Day"

"Chanae T. Day" will be a day of love, music and art celebrated annually on April 20th. This day will be spent honoring a free-spirited, insanely optimistic, forward thinking, super cute artist who brings smiles, laughter and joy to everyone she meets. Anyone who can giggle at the most inane things in life and cause a smile to erupt on your face just by their presence deserves their own special day.

There will be no fewer than three art and music festivals per state featuring Chanae T.’s original works alongside those of local artists enhanced by the music of her favorite musicians. Attendance of these festivals will be strongly encouraged, but who wouldn’t want to attend an amazing love-fest where they can absorb groovy music and appreciate so many different types of magnificent art?

Hopefully, there will be many traditions created to honor Chanae over the coming years, but here are some ideas to get everyone started:

· Go barefoot all day, letting nature into your soul through your soles
· Donate to a local children’s art program
· Wear colorful, comfortable, swooshy clothes preferably made of hemp
· Get a massage and some energy work
· Get spiritual with Mary Jane
· Chew gum and blow bubbles
· Get things pierced
· Enhance your skin with tasteful tattoos of owls or Chanae T.’s personal emblem, the lion with a third eye on a cannabis leaf

Embrace and have fun with this holiday, people. While the festivals are mandated, there are no other real rules. My wish is for you to carry the peaceful attitude and loving spirit of this day with you through out the year.

1 comment:

  1. A most excellent post and holiday! Great job, Amy. You said this was a challenge, yet look at what you have created! Impressive. The art looks wonderful and the post is well written. I will be marking my calendar and making my appointment at the spa - not the stuffy kind, of course. ~Ms. A.


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