Thursday, May 13, 2010

College For All? Experts Say Not Necessarily

College For All? Experts Say Not Necessarily

I don't think college is for everyone. Or maybe it's just not for everyone when they're 18 or 19 years old. Had I gone to college at that age, I would have majored in accounting or business administration. How lame is that? There's no way I could have been happy crunching numbers all day. There's a good chance I would have had to tell myself daily not to pick up an ice pick, stick it in my ear and swirl it around to scramble my brain so I wouldn't have to sit in anymore meetings.No matter what kind of money I made. That's not who I am at all. But if I had graduated high school and been able to attend Patricia Stevens like I THOUGHT I wanted, I would have been so miserable.
I was raised to plug along, do the right thing. Hating your job meant nothing. Well, that's not true. I think it means you drink a lot to escape or to dull the pain you endure everyday as little pieces of you die every single day. So being raised that way, I bet I would have stayed in whatever job I secured after college. Gross!
Now I'm a massage therapist and full time college student. Some people get confused because they know how much I love what I do. Apparently, that means I can't broaden my horizons, as they say. Here comes the hippie: I don't feel like massage therapy is the end game for me. I feel that a deeper knowledge and understanding of psychology will enhance what I'm already doing. Yes, my decision to go to college was based on a gut feeling.
Where was I going with this? Oh yeah. The point is, I had no idea who I was at 18. Most people don't. In fact, if an 18 year old told me they knew who they were and they knew exactly who and what they wanted to be for the rest of their life, I'd call them a liar.
So while I understand that there are many jobs that people won't even be considered for without a degree, there are just as many that make people happy and fulfilled that don't care if you've ever heard of college.

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